The Warrior Journal #3
•Posted on July 07 2023

Our Journey #3
Building a Rebellious Business |
“Wild Warrior was an idea that came from a frustration that sustainable fashion brands simply did not reflect our personal style.’’
Fashion is creative, it is how we can express ourselves, make a statement and show our individuality in daily life…
I believe that looking good is empowering… the days that I am in my in-the-house-joggies, with a top that sometimes doubles as jammies are not the days that I am taking on the world… I might be taking on a whole load of household chores and bad-assing the shit out of the cleaning... but it's not the days that I'm striking a new business deal or speaking at an event.
When I feel empowered it is the days that I am up, hair is sorted, a bit of makeup on and dressed in what makes me feel good, strong. It helps get my brain into gear and focus on the job at hand. These are my most productive working days, my best networking, my most creative …. and my best date nights! ;)
We use our clothing and our style to tell the world how we are feeling… from uniforms defining our profession, to picking up the kids with our gym gear on, our best blazer for an interview or favourite comfies to relax. We dress to express ourselves and it can even represent what we think, are feeling or what we believe in. What we wear and how we look is a statement… you decide the statement you make whether subtle or bold, it’s all you.
Wild Warrior was an idea that came from a frustration that sustainable fashion brands simply did not reflect my personal style. I enjoy a bit of a rocky style, no flashy bold patterns, understated, strong… for me, sustainable fashion was looking, well, rather beige… or the alternative, bright colourful patterns or pretty prints… these things are not really our kit. Where was the black? The tattoo inspired graphics... the bad-ass design!?
So… based on the fact that over my years of looking for fashion items that just don't exist, for me… I felt that this was a good amount of research to base an entire business… Remember I mentioned that rebellious streak?
Then, Alex and I spend a lot of time designing, sampling and redesigning our core range… we have created a gorgeous range of bra tops and leggings that are gym-to-street… We truly believe these garments can transcend the normal gym wear that we throw on, often without thought…
Our Core range is effortlessly classy… versatile… unique… thoughtfully designed for you to create your own #warriorstyle.
Sustainable Leggings and Bra tops to wear for all activity - training, working, partying = living... gym or street, it’s up to you.

A few of our original sketches… transformed into reality! |

Attention to detail in panelling and textures, but with a basic black core colour. You can add or mix and match our garments with your own style to create something powerful.
We don't slap our brand on the outside of our leggings or bra tops... So you are never a walking advert for us... You are rocking it the way you want.
Send us images of your #warriorstyle to show us how you rock your Wild Warrior garments.
Here are a few pics of Alex & I testing our samples and braving the stage at our recent core launch event…

Let’s talk about balance in business marketing and how our rebellious nature makes us want to fight against the ‘what we should be doing’...
Now, we are not social media experts, and it's pretty unclear if our system is going to stop our marketing in it’s tracks… but we will never post every day. As a small 2 person team it is just not healthy for us to spend our lives creating and posting.
Instagram is a great platform to show our stuff off and we hope to increase our following and get some return from the effort. But we are not going to kill ourselves doing it! We will live with balance… after all, life is for adventure, experience and positivity!
Hey… maybe we can start a revolution on instagram that makes the elusive algorithm favour the ‘post less, post better and enjoy a better life balance instagrammers!’
We are in the early stages of building Wild Warrior… and it's going… ok.
But we are strong and focused on what we want to achieve. We will keep reflecting and keep going to the best of our ability.
We live by our mission:
- To create an alternative sustainable brand for rebellious eco-warriors
- To support and be inspired by strong women
- To kick fast fashion in the delicates.
- To live life fully and with balance.
Help us kick the norm in the nuts… help us find and maintain a real-world balance in our business…
Please Like & Share our posts and help us prove that the balanced path is the right path!

What is all this Strong Women chat?
Next month: ‘Supporting Strong Women’
We are Inspired by strong women... Let’s talk about supporting each other and why it's important…
Is there anything you want to hear about… drop us a line!
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