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Written by Kim


Posted on September 30 2023

Wild Warrior Logo of a bird

Welcome to our monthly feature ‘Strong Women - Real Women’

Here we will showcase incredible women, who are out there living their passions… working hard for their beliefs and finding their own life balance. No matter the scale or the speed… they are always moving forward with positivity.

We believe that we can support and empower one another, through shared strength, respect and recognition.

Real Women are Strong Women… They are our inspiration.

women dressed in black

Let me introduce Alex…

Alex is someone I've had the pleasure of knowing for a number of years, but only recently collaborated with on a project and had the opportunity to really get to know… and it’s been one of the best decisions ever!

Alex is truly remarkable - she exudes positivity, determination, and creativity. Not only is she an exceptional business partner, but she's also someone you'd love to have a fun day or night out with! 😎

Alex is the definition of an all-rounder with a huge heart that makes her an incredible friend. She's honest and always there when you need her. It's an absolute privilege to have Alex as a business partner and a friend, and I feel lucky to know her…

Kim x

Name: Alex 

Location: At the moment I live in Malta which is slowly becoming home. But part of my heart is in Moldova where I was born and part in the UK where I 'grew up' and became the Alex you know today.


Personal:  @alex_sanduleac 

Business:  @wildwarrior  

women with pink hair


I like to keep my daily life busy, starting the morning with coffee, dog walk, yoga or at least stretch.

I love having a plan and ticking tasks off the list. For me, planning is essential for a productive day/week/month. For most of the day I work on Wild Warrior, this brand has started as an exciting idea and grew into something I love!

From the planning, marketing and other important business parts to the exciting launch events and meeting amazing women, the Wild Warrior journey has been exciting, scary, thrilling, you name it! but so worth it!

I also like to keep one day a week for learning new things, from keeping up with the social media trends to reading an interesting marketing book, I love new information.

I enjoy finishing my day with an evening walk or a swim ... being outside is the best way to end my day. If it happens that I don' have the time to go out, I always sit on the terrace with a cuppa to end the day in open air, thinking of the day passed and counting my blessings. I do like an occasional 'lazy day' on couch in jammies, takeaway watch some Friends and resetting.

I also like to keep one day a week for learning new things, from keeping up with the social media trends to reading an interesting marketing book, I love new information.

I enjoy finishing my day with an evening walk or a swim ... being outside is the best way to end my day. If it happens that I don' have the time to go out, I always sit on the terrace with a cuppa to end the day in open air, thinking of the day passed and counting my blessings. I do like an occasional 'lazy day' on couch in jammies, takeaway watch some Friends and resetting.

But the most important to me is spending time with my friends and family. I’m fortunate to have the best people in my life. Now that I’ve become a mother, family time has taken a whole new meaning… I cannot wait to go on adventures and show the world to my little Warrior!

Hm, Little Warrior has a nice ring to it, maybe a baby clothing line is in the future 😎

woman posing for photoshoot

What do you have passion for?

My passions are with the outdoors, walking running, hiking, swimming even camping, nature is the best!

Another passion is personal development, allocating time for self growth is very important to me.

And I always like to do something creative, painting and pottery are my go to for relaxing and keeping my creativity spirit happy :)

Sports you practise or would like to try?

Yoga is my all time favourite, depending on the practice I can really relax or break a sweat if that is what I feel that day.

Yoga and meditation has always been my go to, sunrise salutations are my favourite way to start the day.

Swimming or just floating brings me peace like no other, something special and calming about it I cannot describe. Even dipping my feet in the sea brings me a special kind of calmness... I often say I might have been a fish in a previous life :)

To feel fit and strong I do weight training, not my favourite but feels good once that workout is complete. I'm certified in PADI open water diving and I would love to do more water sports, windsurfing is next on my list. 

women doing woga
women paddleboarding at sea

Things for your soul… where or how do you find your Balance?

A book by the sea and some ice cream that's my reset.

Sometimes a good meal with lovely people is what is needed for the soul.

What do you do for fun? 


I love music and couldn't live without it. I worked in the music industry previously and it is just always there. I love going to concerts and venues that have live bands are my favourite kind of night out.

I also like reading, love getting into a story and emerging myself into it and living with the characters like I know them... something magical about a good story.

One of my oldest hobbies is pottery, I didn't get to do much of it lately, but I really like playing with the clay and bring our my artistic side... some of my first ''creations' are in my mum's house... she is the only one that wanted them! hahah!

How would you describe your personal style… your #warriorstyle?

My style goes with the seasons and my mood.

On autumn cooler days I could wake up feeling bad ass and I would get my troublemaker leggings on, cool spiky boots and leather jacket...

on sunny spring days I like a flowy flowery dress but still paired with cool boots and jacket...

so I guess I'm somewhere in between romantic dreamy and badass rock chic! hehe!

We are: 


What 3 words describe you ?

Well those are my words too as Wild Warrior is part of me… but if I have to pick 3 words for just me, they would be:

Compassionate - Free spirited - Joyful (or energetic)

women look at wild warrior bomber jackets on rail

We are strong by supporting one another… 

Do you have any positive advice, or words of wisdom for your fellow strong women?

Be kind to each other, you never know how your action can make someone's day or week or much more! Help without being asked and support your fellow women, together we are strong and can achieve anything.

On personal level, I always say ' Go for it!' If it scares you but excites you like nothing else, go for it. Study, prepare, plan and do it. Don't delay too long, make time now to follow your dreams.

When there is a will there is always a way, treat mistakes as stepping stones and reach for the stars! You can do it!

two women and baby

Find Alex here:

@wildwarrior  on instagram

or if you want to chat to Alex directly it’s  @alex_sanduleac

Give her a like and tell her I think she is awesome! 😎


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