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The Warrior Journal #1

Written by Kim


Posted on April 28 2023

Wild Warrior Logo of a bird

Building A Sustainable Fashion Business

The Warrior journal is our log book, our place to offer tips and advice about living life with balance, through healthy and informed choices. 

We are going to use this journal, not only to tell you all about our journey to create a sustainable business… But to reflect on what did and didn't work, what we have learned along the way and adventures we have had. If you are thinking of starting a sustainable business, we hope you can use our journey to reflect and help you on your own path.


And finally, we will share with you our thoughts and guidance on how to find your #warriorstyle... Whatever that may be!


So, grab a cuppa… let's begin:

wild warrior clothes on a rack
Women taking photos wearing Wild Warrior Black Wings Cap

Our Journey #1

Working with a sustainability consultant


Working with a sustainability consultant was definitely not step one of the Wild Warrior journey! However, it is the place that we would like to begin our story.

The brand idea and style comes from our rebellious side, we certainly enjoy pushing a boundary and exploring limits! But our foundations are built from the heart and the strong desire to do good, for people and planet.


The truth is, Wild Warrior was an idea that came from a frustration that sustainable fashion brands simply did not reflect our personal style. We enjoy a bit of a rocky style, no flashy bold patterns, understated, strong… for us, sustainable fashion was looking, well, rather beige… or the alternative was bright colourful patterns or pretty prints… these things are not really our kit. Where was the black? the tattoo inspired graphics... the bad-ass design!?


So.. based on the fact that over many years of looking for fashion items that just don’t exist, for us… we felt that this was a good amount of research to base a business… remember I mentioned that rebellious streak? yes… well, we will leave this point here for now and get back to the main storyline… Sustainability.  


Just how do you start a sustainable fashion brand?


There is a wealth of information out there about sustainability, fashion, sustainable fashion, fast fashion, what’s good, what’s bad… and what about ethics and what about animals and what about… 🤯  

How on earth can we find the right path?

Then we found Selina…


To get on the right track, we enlisted the help of Selina Ho from Recloseted, a fashion sustainability expert and consultant. We met her regularly online, and she guided us through a soul searching journey. We discovered what sustainability really meant to us by working through the topic systematically. We discussed the United Nations sustainable development goals and where we could place our own goals within this. We looked at competitor research, ethical and sustainable production, fabrics, metric systems, terminology, case studies and strategy. Selina was our guide, she helped us find a pathway through all the noise.  


We have been asked if the investment in working with Selina was worth it and if what she offers comes to fruition. The short answer is, for us, yes… but if it is a path that you are considering you have to be prepared to put in the hard work. Selina is the guide, but the graft has to be done by you. If you believe in your brand and are willing to put in the work, it is well worth it.


Our journey is at the beginning… and no matter where we are headed, we are most certainly up for the ride!

3 women in black wild warrior activewear

Core Range Launch Event

Here are some photos from our recent Embroidery Launch Event… check out the #warriorstyle!

Don’t miss our Core Range Launch on the 18th May, in Glasgow…

women looking in the mirror wearing balance bomber jacket
women speaking on stage
two women on stage
women doing aerials

What is all this Sustainable chat?


Next month: ‘What does sustainable means to us?’


Wild Warrior bird logo